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8 years, 7 months ago
8 years, 8 months ago
Epilepticon added 4 items to their collection
8 years, 8 months ago
Epilepticon commented on a list
My favorite performances - Horror (26 movies items)
"I have to admit I haven't seen many movies on this list, but thirst certainly did not seem that much of a horror with spectacular performances. I honestly found it lacked credibility a lot. The main c"
13 years, 8 months ago
I recommend you play Prey
This is one of the more "strange games" i've played. Not amazing, not astonishing but it's got a crazy twist with the gravity system, and how you never fall on your head when it's shifted...that made me laugh when it happened, and then i got killed whilst laughing...but beyond that it's nice and simply fun.I recommend you play Postal 2
This one is crazy, sick and just fuken hilarious. You should try it out and i know it runs well on Win7 so no worries there.I recommend you play BloodRayne
This one's a classic and i can assume you have played, it if not, as to quote Snape " Do not disappoint me".I recommend you play The Lost Vikings
Now this...there is not much i can say than play and you shall understand.I think you can find a GOG release of it but i'm not 100% sure if not use a dosbox thingamabob because compatibility for W98 sucks ass a lot.
I recommend you play X-Blades
I loved this one because of the graphics but then i started playing it carefully and the gameplay is just stunning, even though a gamepad config would have worked better i still gotta love the keyboard-mouse setup.The story is a little bit weak but it might overcome that throughout playing it.
Have fun. :3
I recommend you play F.E.A.R. 3
I really liked the game because it brings a sort of finality to the story, or does it?You should play the first two to understand what i'm talking about.
I recommend you play The Suffering
It might not be one of the best games as graphics go but game-play and story-line it's a sight for sore eyes.I recommend you play X-Blades
uite inca un joc dragut e cam aiurea si iti dai seama de cum se termina de pe la inceput insa povestea pana acolo e ok ca gameplay suge rau de tot dar overal it's worth the playI recommend you play The Last Remnant
asta e un joc cu o intorsatura ciudata a evenimentelor....exact ce-ti place tieI recommend you play Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
asta e amuzant pentru ca e singuru joc in care tu esti zombiul pus sa cucereasca specia umana nu viceversa ca aia deja e enervantI recommend you play Sanitarium
de asta iti ziceam o fi el vechi dar e misto si foarte creepy